How many times have we heard these words in our lifetime. Often times its created by a lack of self esteem, inferior complex or, just merely a lack of confidence within ourselves. This negativity that rages within ourselves needs to be replaced with a boost of positive thinking. Positive thinking is believing in yourself that you can, you will, you shall, not I can’t I don’t know how, I can't learn. Those kind of thoughts can hinder you in what ever direction you are seeking for your life. Often times we are so full of lack of confidence, that we begin a project or an assignment only to leave it incomplete due to the mindset we have developed over time. After trying to attempt a job, or trying to learn a new subject we get so overwhelmed and frustrated, we throw our hands up and quit.
If we stop a moment and consider that every swimmer, every reader, every writer, never achieved learning the skill on the first try, it takes learning, perseverance and determination.
What needs to be accomplish is setting our mindset on determination and positive thinking. Instead of thinking on the I can’ts, we need to start focusing on the I cans.
I can
I shall
I will
If we get caught in the mindset of negative thinking,, we need to daily start making it a habit of replacing those negative thoughts with good thoughts every time we start thinking those thoughts.
Start reading motivational quotes, memorizing some favorite ones
Before we start speaking so negative of ourselves, I would like to share some interesting stories about some individuals that had handicapps and overcome that to achieve some outstanding accomplishments.
One was a story about a young Chinese man that lost both of his arms in an accident. This young man is now a talented piano player using both of his feet to become a very successful piano player.
The second story is a bout a young lady with no arms, no legs, but yet she didn’t allow that to hinder her, she drives a car, she had a child and shows how she daily takes care of that child.
What does these individuals have in common?
Determination, willpower, perseverance, and positive thinking.
So the next time you think you cant achieve or master something, lets try the above
Monday, September 6, 2010
Posted by Unknown at 3:42 PM
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Hi there,
Well the only thing to say here is
**GREAT** as yes that is the right way to go about things. Always we must Be Positive and Think Positive.
That way we start of with as you say the right mind set.
So GREAT post keep up the good work...
Awesome post and you are so right with this article. "I can't do it" are four of the most destructive words anyone can utter and it happens all the time.
It needs to be replaced with "I can do it, but I just need a little help"
Skype: soonerdad3
Hey Susie,
Congratulations on your post, it is really great, nothing better than to think positively.
Claudio Leysen
Awesome Susie - and a few of my favorites came to mind as I was reading
If you think you CAN or you think you CANT.... you are probably right.......
and another one that helps you to keep trying
“Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times” (Napoleon Hill)
Now that is Determination, willpower, perseverance, and positive thinking.
Skype: nancyradlinger
Hi Susie, I agree with you and Nancy already said what I was going to but I will say it anyway: Whether you think you can or you think you can't- you are probably right.
I would also like to add: As long as you can visualize something you want, it is possible and can become a reality.
You can make things happen if you truly believe they are possible.
Awesome post; thank you!
Carol McCrow
I can therefore I am able to achieve the dream! Great post Susie Q.
Wow Susie. I could combine all the comments here together and that is what I would say. Great Post. I truly look forward to reading all of your posts. Thank you for sharing
Susie, great post. When we are faced with a difficult new task, our first inclination might be "Oh, I can't do that". We must fight thru that implulse and give ourselves a chance to do it. Try it, you might just find you Can Do it.
Kathy Clark
HI Kevan,
thanks for the comment. Absolutely right if we start of positive and stay focus in that direction, we will keep that mindset
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the post you are right the 4 little word I cant is so destructive, it would damange your hopes ,dreams. and etc.
Thanks again
HI Claudio,
Thanks for the comment, Positive is the answer.
HI Nancy,
Wow I love those quotes, what you think you are ,you are right, and Edisons, wow powerful,
Thanks so much for your comment.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for you comments, wow , I love those quotes, there is so much power in positive words spoiken.
HI Greg,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Hi Camilyn,
Thank you for your comment relating to my post. I hope readers that deals with this syndrome can grasp the mindset of thinking positive.
Thanks again
Hi Tammy,
Thanks again for your comment.Thanks again Tammy for you encouragement.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your comment.
You are so right, we must fight the impulse of allowing negativity to rage within us.
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