Saturday, September 25, 2010

Believing is Making it Happen

The phrase Believing is making it happen can easily be construed into thinking  just believing in something and it will happen as in Marketing is entirely incorrect.. That is the very opposite in fact,you must have action behind it.
Many believe that simply joining  a program and sit back , they will reap the rewards.Many such programs invites this very philosophy just to get individuals to join.

The simple fact to state is that  if you believe in something , you will make sure you make every effort to make it happen.  As we start  out in life , we cross bridges along the way finding things we believe in.

We each can probably remember the time we learn how to ride a bike, learn how to swim, learn to drive a car and so forth. If believing was simply believing with no action  behind it, the bike would be sitting still, , wouldn't learn how to swim with out any action, and never drive a car. Each area of our lives takes action to make it happen.

As you see with these examples given, you will notice that if you want something very bad, you will do what it takes to achieve it. The same goes with marketing. How bad do you want to achieve being a marketer? Do you believe in what you are doing.

As a network marketer you must believe in it to make it happen. That absolute passion and zeal  for what you are doing must be within you. Every goal a person has in life takes effort, challenge, determination and perseverance.

Lets take for a example a person decides to start up a business. With no regards to what goes into establishing a business, this person undertakes one. After a few weeks into it, he decides he wasn't going to spend many hours into it. Little by little the business fell apart. What is the message, he didn't believe or had the passion to make it happen.

Another important rule in believing is we must guard our minds at all times in what we believe in. Many darts are aim at our minds , bringing about  negative thoughts, within us, or from elsewhere. Often, marketers run across negativity from their own family, personal trials, or roadblocks along the way. These can put a strain on your desire and passion and your belief in making it happen.

What we must do in circumstances as the above, is put our focus on the end result of our dream. Stay positive and determine to see it happen. Don't let stumbling blocks hold you down. Believe in your dream and pick yourself up and go forward.

As we  believe in our dreams , our goals , we must follow the proper order of things to make sure we succeed .
1. our goal,
2. our plan of action
3. mentor  -training
4. put training in action
5. be consistent

Remember, as we continue to grow and develop our business, we will reach those looming mountains that may be before us at times. They may seem so big , that it literally seem to be impossible to master it across them.These are the moments you need to focus on your dream and be determine you will strive , you will succeed, you will master it and you believe it will happen.  Most of all believe in yourself, you can, you will you shall.

A winner is one who accepts his failures and mistakes, picks up the pieces, and continues striving to reach his goals."
~ Dexter Yager

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Let Determination Be Your Leader

Many times trying to master new platforms along the way,we may come up on roadblocks, or looming mountains that hover above us that seems so overbearing that  it feels like you cannot possible move on anymore. You feel these endless thoughts that press about you to  throw in the towel. Pressures from all around you close in about you. I'm sure all of us have cross that road several times down the path. But , what did we do to climb that mountain?.Did we just stop complete in our pathway and said no more? Or, did we start thinking the thoughts of an overcomer , focus on our dreams we have, and say we will success and move on. When the going gets tough,  the tough gets going. Remember this: a failure is only a failure if he stays down, the winner is the one that picks up himself and moves forward to his goal. . I found this poem and its states faily well  with determination what can bring.

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."
~ Unknown

Friday, September 10, 2010

What makes a leader?

What really makes an outstanding leader? That is a good question. Many of us simple think of it as a badge stamp to our shirts, or a title given to us. But, is that really what makes a true genuine leader? No, it doesnt.  In this article I will address this simple questions, What is a Leader? , What makes a Leader?  What qualities are found in a leader and more.

Lets take a look at , What is a leader? Lets examine the term Leader. What does it mean? The term leader is one that leads. Now lets examine that closely. Although we see all over the internet as well in the world , leaders over countries, leaders in businesses, we must look deeper at the meaning of a true genuine leader. It goes far deeper than just leading someone as you  will discover. Many leaders have lost the true emphasis of what a leader is all about. 

First and foremost, a leader is not defined simply by measure of wearing a nametag or being classfied by a title. All of us in our lifetimes have individuals that are watching us and following us in our footsteps.What kind of example are we giving them. Lets take for example, Marketing, when we begin to build our downlines, we have at that moment begin to be a leader to those members.  Most , of us unfortunately have not  realize that we are  however. 

Lets take a look at why is it we are considered as being leaders to our downline. When a member joins up under you, they are at that moment a new member, unaware to their surroundings or how everything functions. They are at that moment trusting in you to support them , help them and lead them thru. Although, sure ,majority of companies have leader overall the company, but  step back a moment, do you actually believe these leaders have the hours and time for all the members coming in the company? No, that is why you as the upline must duplicate what you have learn. Give forth to your downline the knowledge, support, understanding and patience given you. We must be there to encourage our downline at all times .

Lets take a look at the messages across the net from discourage members.Often times we can observe where members join up at businesses only to be left  totally alone. Where is the upline? Where is the leaders?   This should not be happening, Period!!!! If a company is solely seeking to get members but leave them to themselves will soon find that member leaving. Why not? lack of support, lack of leadership, lack of encouragement. etc.

Its not a title or rank that makes a genuine leader.  leader is not some that tucks someone in. Lets look at some qualities of a true genuine Leader.

1. Be willing to be seen in front of 
2. Go the extra mile
3. First, by personal example
4.exemplying leadership
5.interaction between your upline and downline and organization
6. ongoing upline support must be meric countability leads to a long term relationship
7.action and attitude must be together to qualify as a leader. 
8. stand among the trouble
9.Clarify over a working relationship

To break it down, you assume the role of leadership by personal example legwork,research,study,

I can certainly state we have two outstanding leaders that above and beyond fills the role of great leaders in fullfilling all of the above points.  Craig Caron and Nancy Radlinger, I have known both for a good while. They have both exhibit such wonderful leadership, that their passion and love just pours over you. I would highly recommend you check their blogs out if you haven.t done so. They also will be our leaders in our Family Networker.

Craig Caron 

Although we may play a big major part in assisting our downline, we must  also understand we dont over do it either. We can help so much that we hurt them as well. Some major points also to point out as well are these.

Dont be overly authority, as sounding like a boss over them 
Dont be overly complex pressuring them

Points to realize in helping your downline

1. Downline must not come to you for every single time. Dont get me wrong either, sure members should come , but help them try to solve the problem themselves,. The problem lies if we do all the work for them , they will never learn.  Willing is not enough.

2.Downline must be willing to put effort into it before coming for assistance.

3.If we fix every step for our downline without them lifting a finger to try to figure the situation they will never achieve success.

So, lets take the information above and see where you stand as a leader.

To our success

Susie Moore
skype smsforce

Monday, September 6, 2010


How many times have we heard these words in our lifetime. Often times its created by a lack of self esteem,  inferior complex  or, just merely a lack of confidence within ourselves.  This negativity that rages within ourselves needs to be replaced with a boost of positive thinking. Positive thinking is believing in yourself that you can, you will, you shall, not I can’t I don’t know how, I can't learn. Those kind of thoughts can hinder you in what ever direction you are seeking for your life.  Often times we are so full of lack of confidence, that we begin a project or an assignment only to leave it incomplete due to the mindset we have developed over time.  After trying to attempt a job, or trying to learn a new subject we get so overwhelmed and frustrated, we throw our hands up and quit.

If we stop a moment and consider that every swimmer, every reader, every writer, never achieved learning the skill on the first try, it takes learning, perseverance and determination.

What needs to be accomplish is setting our mindset on determination and positive thinking. Instead of thinking on the I can’ts, we need to start focusing on the I cans.

I can 

I shall

I will

If we get caught in the mindset of negative thinking,, we need to daily start making it a habit of  replacing those negative thoughts with good thoughts every time we start thinking those thoughts.

Start reading motivational quotes, memorizing some favorite ones

Before we start speaking so negative of ourselves, I would like to share some interesting stories about some individuals that had handicapps and overcome that to achieve some outstanding accomplishments.

One was a story about a young Chinese man that lost both of his arms in an accident. This young man is now a talented piano player  using both of his feet to become a very successful piano player.

The second story is a bout a young lady with no arms, no legs, but yet she didn’t allow that to hinder her, she drives a car, she had a child and shows how she daily takes care of that child.

What does these individuals have in common?

Determination, willpower, perseverance, and positive thinking.

So the next time you think you cant achieve or master something, lets try the above 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Overcoming the Fear Factor

The word fear probably makes  majority of us cringe at the mention of it. Majority of us have faced it.  Somewhere in our lifetime, we have face it,  in our childhood,  as a teenager, adulthood. We either stood face to face to it, or ran from it. There are so many fear phobias of all types.  Most common ones are, fear of heights, closed areas, darkness, stage fright.  But, what about the business industry, what place does fear play in this area of our lives?

First , and foremost FEAR can hinder every aspect of your business, from  enabling you from achieving your goals In your business. You may wonder or ask Hows That? I shall give you some role playing how Fear can take form and shape as we work in different areas of a business.  FEAR is our enemy, we need to take every action possible to defeat it in its tracks and not give it an inch of our lives. If we do, what will happen we will feed on that fear and it will grow stronger and stronger In our lives having a big stronghold on us. If we don’t work at  overcoming this stronghold, it shall forever hinder our efforts and our business from prospering. Remember, boldness is the opposite of fear.

Lets take a look at someone excited about  starting a business. WE know that we need to make contact with individuals. Many people have hangups about meeting people. This is one of the most important aspects of businesss. Having a relationship with prospects you meet may mean a warm and long lasting future client for you. However, if we have a tendency to allow fear to disable us from having a personal contact with prospects, we are allowing  a big hindrance to the efforts of building our business.

Role Playing  audio video or video,  in planning o

A new business owner, sees a potential prospect, has a desire to meet him and become acquainted with him,  all at once his heart starts racing, his palms are sweaty , breathing harder, mild shaking feeling.  He approaches the man slower.

The man sees him coming,  the owner stops short of approaching him. The prospect stars , wondering what is wrong with this man. Finally, the owner states howdy, with a slow stammering voice, The prospect also states, “ hello,  The owner says “how are you , also with a  slow draw” The owner became so nervous he couldn’t think , almost like every word  he lost because of fear.  Without another word, the owner left, with the prospect thinking , wow that was some strange character.>

Now, lets take a look at what this owner could have done. Instead he probably walked away never again to take practice of gaining confidence of speaking,  determination, and boldness.






This is a deep thing with a lot of us, Many of us may say I have no idea how to do a blog ,much less a video. Others may say, I have no skills in writing blogs, or writing ads, Im not good at it. Oh and the videos, that is  a big no no . No way you going to get me to speak on any video. Lets take a look at this. What is the strong points in this. Lets play out the scenario.

Wow, some new individuals just started in their new business, Jeff, that is great. How about telling them about the great way of  starting their own blog, maybe get some videos started later on , and writing ads. Yes that’s a good idea. 

Hey guys,  heres something that is very important for you all to be doing gradually. First you need to get a blog going regularly. it’s a great way to get leads, especially placing ads a s well, such as working in forums and etc. Soon, it would be good if you started doing videos as well. 
The ahs, started coming as , oh man, do we we really have to do that, Im not good at writing, anyways I have no idea. Im don’t want anyone see my writing., Im horrible. I just know they will laugh.

NO they wont, that’s just your imagination carrying away. Remember,practice makes perfect. You cant mean for me to be on a video, I look horrible , and gosh with my accent, I will sound like a  hyena,. And what about messing up , I never show my face again.. These individuals walked away , discouragment showed on their face, despair loomed above them , fear overshadowed them like never before.








WE all know to be successful, at times we need to invest in our business to go forward. But, there is a lot of people that thinks investing is definitely a no  way. Why , BECAUSE FEAR HAS TAKEN HOLD OF THEM , worrying that an investment , they will lose. Well, with that thinking you most certainly will. Why , be cause you didn’t high  enough  of your dream to invest in it. Therefore, you lost out  on becoming very successful because you let fear hammer into your thoughts your going to lose. 

Drama outplayed

Lets use two examples in this to illustrate this.

II am so excited to share with Jim a made up name  by the way. About this awesome fantasti business I am in, no way am I trying to make a sale, I just want to share my fabulous business with him. Tell your testimony,  I was just going at it sharing what Im making , what its about ,and my further plans.  Jim comes up and says, well that’s good for you. No way will I spend another dime, Im too scare of losing it. My money is too hard to get. 

Okay, now this may be true, there is a lot of scams out there, but wait a second, if you heard it from someone you knew really well, and you did your homework on the company. Would a very small investment in a  company be worth it? Think about it , would you let fear of investing a small amount hinder you?
Where is this man now , not moving anywhere, the same predicament , sad isn’t it

Next scenario

A man is growing his business, but he needs some improvement to precede further. He needs to invest in future growth. The problem hes afraid to invest  a little more. Hes so afraid of investing a little money that he wont pay for adverting any ,although he can,. He doesn’t update his sites to bring in more visitors or have any tech videos or special effects done.

Whats going to happen to his business, definitely not going to grow. Possible it will die


Don’t allow fear to have any part of your business, invest, let your business prosper.

Remember, each of us has a dream, don’t let that dream just be a dream, in order for it to become alive, you must act on it. Don’t allow fear tell you, you cant do it. With effort and determination, you can achieve what  your believing for. But the moment you allow fear to take over, that dream will die. Keep it alive, go forth , pick yourself up if you fall, and your shall prosper forth.  To our success.

Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.George Herman "Babe" Ruth

to our success

Susie Moore

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are you overwhelmed at times?

The answer to that question can be probably answered yes by majority of us online or offline. Often at  times we are engulfed by situations, or maybe its a new challenge you are undertaking.

I recently experience this very situation having so many activities going and felt I was going in circles. Times like this and similar experiences definitely can be a trying event.

Marketers,business owners and so forth are dealing with task after task , undertaking new programs and so forth, can be so overwhelming to you , you feel like you cant seem to take charge of what you are doing.

What can we do at a time when situations seems to overtake you. Lets take a look at some steps to get you back in control.

First,lets step back, take a deep breath  and relax.

Maybe things seems to be all astray at the moment, but if we take a little bit of time, and assess what we need to accomplish, everything will begin to go smoothly.

One of the biggest hangups that many people try doing and getting stressed out is trying to  do so many things at one time.  The best thing to do is to accomplish one area before moving to another area.

take one day at a time ;
set your priorities for that day , your goals,
take one step at a time
step by step

When we  observe what is the top priority and go from there , one step at a time , we shall see that all will be accomplished and  we will be much happier.

susie   skype smsforce

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Continous Effort

Everyone of us goes through periods of times that whatever we seem to do is to no avail. Actually that is a very wrong thinking. We must continually putting forth our efforts with any thought of giving up. How many times have you watch a child get on a bicycle only to fall. Does he or she just simply give up or do they get on and on again until they master it?

I see and hear everday how many te owners or business owners trying to go forward get so discourage of lack of surfers or cant get referrals. The secret to success is if one way doesnt work try another way, It reminds me of Thomas Edison , and all the great inventors. If you think and study these great people, you will find that it took trial and error on all their inventions to become successful. Just imagine if they gave up on their first or second try, we wouldnt have the many grand inventions as we have today. One the computer.

This same example we need to follow in everything we seek to do. It may be something you are struggling at ,school, a new talent, business, whatever we do , keep going forward, if you fall, pick yourself up and go forward.

I like to leave you with this quote :

“Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.”
- Liane Cardes

Lets all help one another and encourage each other, continuous effort will mark your goal you are trying to reach.

Operations Manager
Negomedia Business Services

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Which are you: Pessimistic or Optimistic?

IN life, we seem to carry around traits about us, some good and some bad.  In marketing training I learn from the beginning that it was a very good idea to  have certain thoughts and to  keep that about you always and to keep out the negative ones.

What thoughts are these?  In marketing these thoughts are classified ,I just cant do it, or , I m never going to get anywhere. Its a total failure, and on and on we go with it.  Is this perhaps you?

If it is? You are thinking some dangerous thoughts that will bring you to failure. Its very important to realize that its said, you are what you think. Have you ever heard someone  say  im always broke. More likely they will be instead of saying I may be lacking money but Im going to have more money than I need one day soon. We need to change our pessimistic ways to optimistic ways.  We are the way we think, just as we are snared by the very words of our mouths.

In Business, we should make it a daily practice  to replace negative thinking with positive thinking. We need to establish a pattern to immediately take action in our  mind when those negative remarks starts coming. Read some positive quotes. Read about someones success story, or listen to some wholesome music. We have to train our minds in business to stay focus, alert, and motivated in the right direction.

If we lose focus, and start allowing negative and pessimistic behavior to rule us, then we are headed towards  failure. We must always seek to strive to go  forward overcoming those mountains that looms ahead with positive and optimistic thinking. Always know we all go tru valleys and mountains, but with the right though pattern and determination you shall succeed.

With this in mind and the business values that Negomedia stands on as stated below, you are on your way to becoming a successful business person.

Negomedia has five Business Values by which we do business and recommend people to do business:

* Passion.
* Dedication.
* Patience.
* Talent.
* Team work.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Be Careful What you speak

After doing some studies about the behaviour patterns of individuals on the internet, I have found some very important information. I found that individuals so freely like to use deragatory and defamation remarks about others or businesses that seriously bring damaging results to those individuals they spoke about. It seems that the use of this type of behaviour is so freely used compared to that off the internet. Such use of this without proper proof results in widespread lawsuits everywhere.

It is very important to point out this behaviour now is getting widespread attention. Regardless where you live at, in one country or another, if it is brought before the legal system of the internet and procedures were done, these individuals could face serious charges. It was also interesting to find that those individuals internet service that was provided for them were also held liable for their allowing these individuals to continue on with this such behavior

A word of advice was given from the legal system on the internet, be careful how you speak on chat lines, forums and etc, for if you use deragatory remarks and slanderous remarks against any individual or business, you may find yourself involve in a serious legal matter. Many people thinks just because they live in another country they can freely say whatever they wish and nothing will ever happen. This is TOTALLY NOT ACCURATE! If the matter was carried forward you will find yourself in some serious legal matters, if proof of such behavior was given. Not only you, but as stated above also, the internet service.

I have a friend from several yrs ago , that had a member on her site that not only slander but did threatening remarks. What ended up happening this person was banned from all internet service providers plus more. By the way this person lived in another country as well.

So, the next time you think about using slanderous remarks, carefully think about the consequences.

Susie Moore
Negomedia Business Services

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Negomedia Training Session

We like to remind all negomedia members of our next Training session

that will be held this Saturday, May 15th,2010 at 10:00am central time zone.

Training is exclusive for members, but we will allow each

member to invite one person to the training sessions. The

same person can be invited to a maximum of two training


We have two levels of training:

1.1.1 Basic training, for Pro members.
1.1.2 Master's training for Business members.

We will allow guests at both kinds of training, with the attendance rule stated above. We look forward to see you there.

To our Success,

Susie Moore
Operations Manager

Friday, April 30, 2010

Get Involved in our Negomedia Training that is being offered

We often have many advantages to get involved in opportunities that's offered t o us that would greatly enriched our lives.

Every member of Negomedia has this fantastic opportunity to get involved in the exceptional training that is offered here bi-weekly. Also , each member may invite several individuals to attend two sessions as well.

We have established not only these training sessions, but we are also preparing a training manual that will also be offered to all members. Soon, we also will be having a weekly presentation and a live show here also soon.

Many individuals in fact tend to ignore the advantages that comes with this knowledge. Not understanding what they are being offered they continue doing the same procedures day by day.

Its important to realize that when we are offered an opportunity to gain insight,useful knowledge in obtaining skills that would benefit us in our business, we should immediately be eager to do so.

These sessions offer so much, how your mind should be. making realistic goals and so much more

I encourage all members to take advantage of these opportunities. Get equipped to benefit your endeavors and become more successful. The future is before you!

Susie Moore
Operations Manager of Negomedia

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Impressions

hat kind of first impression do you give as an business owner to others?

It only takes a few seconds for someone to form an opinion about you. This may come from many ways, the way you dress, your mannerism, the body language you give off, demeanor, your appearance.

We often hear the word branding. Branding is getting your name out there, and its simply building a reputation for your name. If you look closely this go hand in hand. You want a reputation built of trust, honesty, and all the good qualities of a person can possess.

With each encounter of a person , we formed that opinion ,therefore either good or bad it is set with that person.These first impressions can be nearly impossible to erase or undo. That is why it is highly important to represent yourself to the best of your ability as a individual.

On the internet we see chats everywhere We have for instance 3 chats of Negomedia. How do we as individuals represent ourselves to others on the chat. Are we bosterous, obnoxious,rude,negative, among other things that show ourselves unwise and unprofessional. Or, do we present ourselves kind, pleasant, helpful , positive to others. showing a professional attitude always.

Here are some key points to use whether you are online, or offline,

keep eye contact when speaking. It shows honesty , where a eye shifter may present dishonesty and cant face someone eye to eye

shake hands upon meeting , greet and introduce yourself

Make small talk with the individual , show that you are interested in them

be on time-prompt always

Always smile, show confidence within yourself

Be attentive and Courteous

Be positive

Present yourself appropriate

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so the first picture you present says much about you to the person you are meeting.

So, lets make it a habit to always present ourselves to the best of our ability. You never know who may be watching you also in the background, the next possible sales perhaps.

Susie Moore
Operations Manager of Negomedia
Negomedia Business Services

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have your own TE without the Hassle

Ever dreamed of running your own Traffic exchange? If you are like most people, your first thought is, I cant do it, its too hard, or I dont

have any experience.

Here at Negomedia, we take out the hassle of it and the difficult stage. We make it very simple for everyone to purchase your very

own traffic exchange without all the headaches thats usually attached to it. At Negomedia, you never have to worry about having to

hire a programmer in times of trouble. We take care of all the tech issues. The traffic exchange are simplified and easy to follow in

getting it setup. So, if you are thinking about owning a traffic exchange, check us out you will be glad you did . click here

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why Blogging is important

I have met many people that do nott understand the importance of blogging. However, there are many reasons why everyone should blog. In this blog I will list three very important reasons that certainly should change your opinion on blogging.

1. Search engines love blogs. A good blog should be updated every three days to keep the search engines coming back. Your blog should have some content relating to your business and how it can benefit your audience.

2 .The second reason why blogging is important is the fact that a good blog with updated, quality information and the right keywords, will drive traffic to your website. If you provide a link to your site it can provide traffic as well as double exposure.

3. Third, a blog can be started for free or at low cost. This is a very good way of advertising for a low cost, with good content, updating, and the right keywords.

Finally, keep you blog updated regularly. Submit your url to directories,etc. Make blogging a priority for your business , and you will reap the benefits.

I encourage all Negomedia members to take advantage of theNegomedia blogs that have been offered to you. Send your login information in as requested and get started today.

Many exciting things are happening today at Negomedia as a member or as a Traffic Exchange Owner. Now is the time to get involved.

Susie Moore

Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Things are happening at Negomedia

Its amazing to watch and see the great things that is happening atNegomedia.

The success comes from our business team displaying the five Business Values by which we do business and recommend people to do business:

* Passion.
* Dedication.
* Patience.
* Talent.
* Team work.

Above all in a business, you must love and have a passion for what you do to be successful. If the starting point is to make money, its all wrong . You plan should be love what you do and eventually you will make money.

With all the five business values being displayed, we have seen growth in all areas of Negomedia.
With the stir of excitement that has been building and the passion we have for our company, we have brought to life new plans and goals forNegomedia.

One such goal that has been broadcast is The LIve Show . We also have yet several more plans in the making.

If you have ponder and wonder about our amazing company, now is the time to step across and join up with our outstanding family. You dont want to miss whats coming next. Join here

To our Success,

Susie Moore
Operations Manager

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Blogging is important


I have met many people that doesn't understand the importance of blogging. However, there are many reasons why everyone should blog. In this blog I will list three very important reasons that certainly should change your opinion on blogging.

1. Search engines loves blogs. A good blog should be updated every three days to keep the search engines coming back. Your blog should have some content relating to your business and how it can benefit your audience.
2 .The second reason why blogging is important is the fact that a good blog with updated, quality information and the right keywords, will drive traffic to your website. If you provide a link to your site it can provide traffic as well as double exposure.

3. Third, a blog can be started for free or at low cost. This is a very good way of advertising for a low cost, with good content, updating, and the right keywords.

Finally, keep you blog updated regularly. Submit your url to directories,etc. Make blogging a priority for your business , and you will reap the benefits.

I encourage all Negomedia members to take advantage of the Negomedia blogs that have been offered to you. Send your login information in as requested and get started today.

Many exciting things are happening today at Negomedia as a member or as a Traffic Exchange Owner. Now is the time to get involved. click here

Susie Moore

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Myself and Negomedia of Tomorrow

Welcome to my Blog

We are embarking on a new Adventure into the
Negomedia of Tomorrow.

Growing up in the country side of Kaufman County of Texas, I often looked forward to the coming attractions or events that were around the corner. I faced the aspects of business early in life by helping my parents with a small family business, where I learned how to market our crops to supermarkets. Later, I found out through life how important it is to establish a good name and protect that good name by how you treat others and by producing quality products.

I found out that, above all, I love assisting others in situations they encounter. This particular characteristic has followed me through all the areas of work I have been involved in. As I became involved in the internet I found that marketing had a key part in my life as it did with me from my earliest experiences. I became involved in traffic exchanges and took marketing training to enhance my skills.

In 2009 I was first introduced to
Negomedia. It was here that I discovered how quality service, sincere desire to help and friendliness are at the heart of success. Those factors have led me to be an active and enthusiastic part of Negomedia.

My view of the
Negomedia of Tomorrow is one of much enthusiasm and zeal. I see Negomedia as a company that is going to places. I believe the Internet market is going to be hit worldwide with the name ofNegomedia.

Why do I speak such positive words? Here's the answer: A company needs a strong foundation in order to achieve success in the Internet marketing world. It also needs to have a great backbone to support it. Here we have both. Coupled together with these special qualities that
Negomedia is known for, has caused a great stir in drawing the members that Negomedia has now.

Let's looks at some of these qualities that make
Negomedia special. Take for instance Passion. Our staff and members have the passion that draws others to seek and find out what Negomedia is about. You have to be passionate about what you do.

Next, comes Focus. With the plans set and goals developed and acted on, you will see results in time. Just like what is happening now, putting forth those goals in action, there is no stopping to what is coming next for

Now lets look at the Talent, one thing is certain is this, everyone has talent, and when you put talent together with teamwork, the results will continue to heighten as the month progresses.

Negomedia prides itself with the dedication and loyalty we have here and that same dedication with continue to grow within Negomedia and spread.

Susie Moore