Friday, April 23, 2010

First Impressions

hat kind of first impression do you give as an business owner to others?

It only takes a few seconds for someone to form an opinion about you. This may come from many ways, the way you dress, your mannerism, the body language you give off, demeanor, your appearance.

We often hear the word branding. Branding is getting your name out there, and its simply building a reputation for your name. If you look closely this go hand in hand. You want a reputation built of trust, honesty, and all the good qualities of a person can possess.

With each encounter of a person , we formed that opinion ,therefore either good or bad it is set with that person.These first impressions can be nearly impossible to erase or undo. That is why it is highly important to represent yourself to the best of your ability as a individual.

On the internet we see chats everywhere We have for instance 3 chats of Negomedia. How do we as individuals represent ourselves to others on the chat. Are we bosterous, obnoxious,rude,negative, among other things that show ourselves unwise and unprofessional. Or, do we present ourselves kind, pleasant, helpful , positive to others. showing a professional attitude always.

Here are some key points to use whether you are online, or offline,

keep eye contact when speaking. It shows honesty , where a eye shifter may present dishonesty and cant face someone eye to eye

shake hands upon meeting , greet and introduce yourself

Make small talk with the individual , show that you are interested in them

be on time-prompt always

Always smile, show confidence within yourself

Be attentive and Courteous

Be positive

Present yourself appropriate

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so the first picture you present says much about you to the person you are meeting.

So, lets make it a habit to always present ourselves to the best of our ability. You never know who may be watching you also in the background, the next possible sales perhaps.

Susie Moore
Operations Manager of Negomedia
Negomedia Business Services