Since, becoming associated with network marketing, the first thing I notice was I entered a whole new world of a powerful social media. Upon being new at it, I became aware of a lot of skills I was lacking in this new industry on the internet.
Now, that I started out being introduce to new techniques and gaining an understanding how network marketing works, its giving me a passion and hunger to wake up each morn to see what lays ahead for that day and continue learning what I receive,that I may utilize that towards helping others that I come in contact with.
Im in the beginning stage of building my business, but with my business in mind, I want to be able to utilize all these skills I have learn unto all that I come across.
There are many ways to achieve traffic to your sites. One way I found out from the time I started on the net was Traffic exchanges. Now you can advertise your site free and surf to obtain credits at these sites. However, we must keep in mind though what are we advertising in hopes to get traffic.
Another way is textads sites. which many people feel is a great way to advertise. Upon join
these though, you are agreeing to receive tons of ads to your email acct. Majority of these sites often gives great promos where you can get free solos, traffic links and etc
I am now learning one of the greatest ways to achieve traffic, leads, to your site is thru social media. This involves setting up a twitter , facebook ,etc. acct. the proper way and building a list. B. Getting to know people and presenting yourself to them. Developing good impressions about yourself to others is one of the most important steps of all.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 11:12 AM
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